Top Schuhwerk 2009 – Adventskalender Tag 7

These boots were made for … concerts?

SONY DSC1. Grace Jones

SONY DSC2. Maja Ivarsson [The Sounds]

SONY DSC3. Angus Young [AC/DC]

SONY DSC4. James Last

SONY DSC5. Pascal Pinon

SONY DSC6. Amy MacDonald

SONY DSC7. Mette Lindberg [The Asteroids Galaxy Tour]

SONY DSC8. Casey Spooner [Fischerspooner]

SONY DSC9. Daniel Agust [Gus Gus]

SONY DSC10. Siri Bergnéhr [Hellsongs]

SONY DSC11. Dave Chandler [St. Vitus]

SONY DSC12. Robin Proper-Sheppard [Sophia]

SONY DSC13. Buzz Osborne [Melvins]

SONY DSC14. Johanna Söderberg [First Aid Kit]

SONY DSC15. Pink

hier geht’s zum Adventskalender 2009

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