QUESTIONS & ANSWERS – der gig-blog-Fragenkatalog 170 mit VED


Foto: Promo

VED vereinen Postpunk, Freejazz, Progressiv Rock und elektronische Musik. Im Q&A an das schwedische Klangkollektiv gibt Mathias Nihlén Einblick in sein Tourgepäck: „A cloud in trousers“ des Dichters Wladimir Wladimirowitsch Majakowski darf nicht fehlen.

VED spielen am Festival-Tag 1, Freitag, 26.05.2023 im Komma Esslingen.

What was the most wonderful gig you ever played?
Probably in Osh, Kyrgyzstan in front of the holy mountain of Sulayman-Too

Where would you absolutely love to play?
In Svalbard would be fun to play I think

How would you describe your music to someone who hasn’t listened to it yet?
Art rock with funny sounds and improvisation

What’s your best memory of seeing live music?
Impossible to answer but The Necks and This is not This Heat were both great concerts, both in Copenhagen

Describe the perfect stage outfit.
A cloud in trousers

Please describe your worst studio experience.
We haven’t really recorded in studios, we record ourselves

Which things must always be in your tour bag?
A cloud in trousers

Which song never fails to make you sing, hum or whistle along?
Robert Wyatt’s version of Shipbuilding by Elvis Costello

What was the first song you fell in love with and why?
Rock around the clock by Bill Hailey and the Comets, because I had it on a small tape recorder and I discovered dancing to it was fun upstairs in the house I grew up in.

Which program was the last you binge-watched?
The Last of us

Your favourite misbehavior?
Being confusing

Your favourite Weired Food Quirks?
Dried crickets

The most beautiful human in showbusiness?
The sound engineer

The greatest musical genius (dead or alive)?
I don’t believe in genius, but if it exists it’s probably someone like Sun Ra

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