QUESTIONS & ANSWERS – der gig-blog-Fragenkatalog: Folge 110 mit ALCOHOLIC FAITH MISSION
Nach ihrer Gründung im Jahr 2006 als 2-Mann-Lo-Fi-Projekt stehen Alcoholic Faith Mission aus Kopenhagen mittlerweile zu sechst, am 19.03.2015 mit ihrem Bombast-Dreampop in der Manufaktur in Schorndorf auf der Bühne. Mit im Gepäck: ihr neues Album Orbitor. Und genau dieses könnt ihr gewinnen, wenn ihr bis Mittwoch, den 18.03.2015, 20 Uhr ein Mail mit dem Betreff “Alcoholic Faith Mission” an sendet, diese Verlosung mit “@gigblognet” und dem Hashtag “#_aFm_” tweetet oder retweetet oder unseren entsprechenden Facebook-Post teilt. Wie immer: Wer alle Kanäle nutzt, erhöht seine Gewinnchancen. Viel Glück!
Und damit die Wartezeit bis zum Konzert nicht zu lang wird, hat Thorben uns auch noch unseren Fragebogen beantwortet:
1. What was the most wonderful gig you ever played?
A few years ago we took the arena stage at Roskilde Festival with a bunch of friends from our collective Copenhagen Collaboration. It was surreal to stand in front of thousands upon thousands of people and play your own songs with your best friends. It was truly something special and magical.
2. Where would you absolutely love to play?
The list is endless and varies within the band as well. Personally I would love to play Glastonbury or lollapalooza just to name a couple.
3. Please describe your worst studio experience.
When the city employees absolutely have to work on laying new asphalt the day of recording vocals. (or anytime you run out of ice)
4. What would your music sound like if Elvis had never existed?
Probably the same. We never really drew that much inspiration from Elvis. I’m really glad he would inspire John Lennon and Paul McCartney to write their beautiful songs, but how the Beatles would’ve sounded sans Elvis, I couldn’t say.
5. The title of the book that touched you most is…
There are quite many books let alone authors that touch me. Here’s a few highly recommended authors I would suggest anyone with an easily tickled reading bone should try out.
David Mitchell
Donna Tart
Mark Z. Danilewski
Haruki Murakami
6. Which ringtone do you use?
7. The most beautiful love song ever is called…
Only Love
8. Which song (except your own songs) do you know by heart?
One More Time – Britney Spears
9. Boxer shorts or briefs?
10. Which Beatles song deserves a decent cover (by you)?
In My Life
11. Which TV show is essential?
12. Please tell us your favourite joke.
Parallel lines have so much in common; it’s a shame they never meet.
13. Describe the perfect stage outfit.
Something fabulous!!
14. Your favourite candy?
Salt liquorice.
15. What would you be today if you had not become a musician?
A school teacher or a nurse.
16. In which band would you like to play (except your own)?
I wouldn’t mind tagging along with Damon Albarn.
17. What’s your favourite instrument?
Chet Baker’s voice.
18. The greatest musical genius (dead or alive)?
Brian Wilson
19. The most beautiful woman in showbusiness?
Antony from Antony and the Johnsons.
20. How would you spend an unexpected gift of 1000 Euro (you’re not allowed to invest in alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, holidays or prostitution)?
Perhaps get a new bike.