QUESTIONS & ANSWERS – der gig-blog-Fragenkatalog: Folge 60 mit MEN WITHOUT HATS
Was sollen wir jetzt noch groß sagen? Nicht nur sehen wir zum ersten Mal die Idole unserer frühen Teeniejahre Men Without Hats am 7. Februar in Frankfurt, nein, Ivan Doroschuk himself hat uns auch unser Q&A beantwortet. Wir gehen schon mal glücklich sterben.
What was the most wonderful gig you ever played?
Lima, Peru.
Where would you absolutely love to play?
Please describe your worst studio experience.
With Lenny Kravitz, the assistant erased all the tracks while we were out having a smoke.
What would your music sound like if Elvis had never existed?
Frank Sinatra.
The title of the book that touched you most is…
Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde.
Which ringtone do you use?
No cell phone.
The most beautiful love song ever is called…
I will always love you by Whitney Houston.
Which song (except your own songs) do you know by heart?
Supper’s Ready by Genesis.
Which Beatles song deserves a decent cover (by you)?
Good Night
Which TV show is essential?
I don’t have a TV, as I feel it is not essential.
Please tell us your favourite joke.
What’s the difference between a trampoline and an accordian?
You can keep your boots on to jump on an accordian.
Describe the perfect stage outfit.
Red Speedo.
Your favourite candy?
I don’t eat sugar.
What would you be today if you had not become a musician?
A graphic artist.
In which band would you like to play (except your own)?
Die Antwoord.
What’s your favourite instrument?
Arp 2500.
The greatest musical genius (dead or alive)?
GG Allin.
How would you spend an unexpected gift of 1000 Euro (you’re not allowed to invest in alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, holidays or prostitution)?
Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit LEGO for my son.
What would Chairman Mao say If he knew what his people think of him today?
Chairman Mao would say „Blame it on the boogie!“.
falls jemand jüngeren Datums sich fragt, wer denn das sein soll. MWH hatten einen Megahit Anfang der 80er, der sehr viel Nachhall heutzutage gefunden hat:
Family Guy