QUESTIONS & ANSWERS – der gig-blog Fragenkatalog: Folge 10 mit NEBULA

Foto: Pamela Davies

Stoner-Rocker machen nicht nur blendende Musik, nein, sie beantworten auch gerne unsere Fragen. Nach The Freeks im letzten Herbst präsentieren wir nun die Antworten der wirklich sehr tollen Nebula, die am 16. Februar die Röhre in den place to be verwandeln werden.

Can you list all the things you lost on tour?
Let’s see… wallets, camera’s, money, drugs, band members, crew. We’ve learnt our lessons now, so it’s rare that we lose anything these days. (Fingers crossed!).

We’d love to hear from you that your latest record isn’t your best one.
You would? Why’s that? So ok, our new record isn’t our favourite, lets say ‚To The Center‘ is.

Which was the last movie you saw in cinema?
Such Hawks, Such Hounds.

Which was the last album you bought?
The new Entrance Band record.

Which was the last book you threw into the corner?
Spot The Dog.

Which song makes you run on the dancefloor?
Anything by C&C Music Factory.

The world’s best live club?
Anywhere in Sweden.

Why are your concerts the best ones?
Beause you’ll get a no bullshit, no holds barred real rock show.

If your music was food, what would it taste like?
King crab legs.

Are the Beatles overrated?
Certainly not.

Your greatest mental defect?
Being a productive member of society.

Which question do you absolutely want to be asked?
Would you like a line?

It’s a period that I’m into astronomy again. So, Nebula, you’ve chosen your name for astronomical reasons or where does it come from?
Nebula actually comes from the Latin word meaning ‚Cloud‘. It’s actually an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen gas, helium gas and plasma. We chose it because it sounded cool and have always had a fascination with the stars, space & beyond.

Ein Gedanke zu „QUESTIONS & ANSWERS – der gig-blog Fragenkatalog: Folge 10 mit NEBULA

  • 10. Februar 2010 um 08:48 Uhr

    „We chose it because it sounded cool …“ YEAH!!!!

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